Let’s face it, whether you’re a manufacturer or a florist, the bottom line is that your company survives on sales. The sales process for manufacturing companies and manufacturing service companies, however, is a bit different than buying a bouquet.
The ”impulse buy” has no place in the buying process of industrial goods and services. There is a procedure that must be followed in order to make a purchase and a chain of command that the purchase request must go through. After all, no manufacturing company is going to buy things that they cannot immediately put into use. Storing and managing inventory costs money.
Here are 5 websites that work extremely well for the website owners in generating solid sales leads that convert to sales.

- New England Small Tube (https://nesmalltube.com)
This website, which is designed to match the overall branding of the company, offers a lot of information that a potential requisitioner or specifier needs. Their “Quick Contact” form on each page makes it easy for the potential specifier to contact them for any further questions they may have. This is a “secure” form that filters out spam inquiries without the use of a CAPCHA.

2. Temco Tool Company, Inc. (temcotool.com)
The Temco website is designed for engineers: aerospace engineers, mechanical engineers, any engineer that needs to have a precision-built custom part. It features the company’s capabilities and quality systems. This website also makes it easy for inquiries with the ever-present spam-free contact form to the right of each page.

3. Centorr Vacuum Furnaces (vacuum-furnaces.com)
This is a content-managed website that can be edited by the client. In addition to offering an encyclopedia of information about their furnaces, it also features a “furnace finder”. Add the anti-spam quick-contact form and they have a winning website that produces a healthy number of sales opportunities every month.

4. MSC Filter Tech (mscfiltration.com)
The amount of information provided on this website combined with a custom RFQ form for each product line keeps a steady stream of sales opportunities coming their way. This company is both a manufacturer and a distributor whose products are used in many industries.

5. Polyonics (polyonics.com)
This website presented a challenge. How do you promote something that isn’t what it seems? Polyonics provides label substrates and tapes used in many industries. Promoting their product line can get you off-track with trying to sell “labels” – but they don’t sell “labels” – they sell label “substrates” and “adhesives”. With help from the client, we untangled their products and found a way to present them that was clean and easy to understand. A technical datasheet filter helps website visitors locate the technical information they need for their application. The site was designed to appeal to their main audience: label printers and converters.
All websites designed by Web-Kare are designed to address the specific audience that is served by our client. Listening to our clients’ input about their market and their products helps us create a website that generates leads for them.