Web-Kare specializes in marketing to industrial companies and we have been doing so since 2000. One of the many questions we get asked is, “Why is marketing to industrial different?” Usually this is asked by vendors trying to sell us
Are Bots Clicking On My Ads And Spending My Budget?
When we’re signing up new clients for PPC, we often get asked about bots. They’ll say: how do I know bots aren’t spending all my budget? The reason I say this question usually comes from new clients is because our
Top 5 Reasons Your Company Needs PPC Advertising
How’s your search engine positioning? When customers search Google or Bing for your offerings, do you show up in the top four spots? Unless you have PPC advertising, the answer is no. These coveted positions are paid for by companies
Is Your Website Actively Hurting Your Business?
When industrial companies first started building websites, they were simply an online catalog to showcase their items through another medium. Since then we have seen some major changes in how websites interact with search engines, but, sadly, a larger than
To Hire Or To Outsource: That is the question
Web marketing is easier than ever in today’s world. CMS systems make website design as easy as drag and drop, Google Analytics offers more insight than ever, and the functionality of web tools is more advanced than ever. These tools
Quiz: FAQ page or no FAQ Page?

If you’re in industrial manufacturing, and you answered yes, then you’re correct: You do need a FAQ (frequently asked questions) page. Why? Because without one, you risk losing prospects in the early stages of the buying cycle. I’ll break down
Why Active PPC Management is Non-Negotiable

For those who think they can just set up their PPC campaigns and let the search engine do the rest, I have a story for you. Once upon a time, there was a Google AdWords campaign with a seemingly harmless
Why Your AdWords Account is Missing the Mark

Google AdWords is one of the most straight forward marketing tools around. By bidding on keywords, you can place your ads in front of prospective buyers with a targeted message and measurable results. So why do so many companies struggle