Part 2: Setting Goals In part 1 we discussed gathering data about how your website is currently being used by site visitors. By now you should have a fairly good idea of where the “trouble spots” are on your current
Building A Better Website
Your PPC Ads Are About to Get Much Longer
Static Website or Content Managed?
Everyone likes the idea of logging into their website and updating the content – let me repeat, everyone likes the IDEA of logging into their website and updating the content. Whether you decide that updating your own website is a
The Truth About Google Ad Audits
Sounds like a great idea, right? Some agency approaches you with an offer to give you a free audit of your Google Ad campaigns. If you’re already using an agency, you think, “Why not, maybe this agency will spot something
Why is marketing to industrial companies different?
Web-Kare specializes in marketing to industrial companies and we have been doing so since 2000. One of the many questions we get asked is, “Why is marketing to industrial different?” Usually this is asked by vendors trying to sell us
Are Bots Clicking On My Ads And Spending My Budget?
When we’re signing up new clients for PPC, we often get asked about bots. They’ll say: how do I know bots aren’t spending all my budget? The reason I say this question usually comes from new clients is because our
Landing Page Essentials
Are your landing pages generating sales? If not, you may be missing a key element on our checklist. Based on our experience designing and marketing profitable websites, we’ve put together this guide for crafting landing pages that convert. Here’s our